
Welcome to Curiouser, our biannual newsletter, where we gather our newest titles, recent deals, long-reads that sparked our curiosity, and a parting thought you can take with you. You can read back issues below, and if you enjoy them we encourage you to subscribe here.


Spring 2025

A microchip woven from wool; an impressive collection of brains; correcting Feynman’s mistake; and fresh spring titles from Adam Kucharski, Frank Verstraete and Céline Broeckaert, Marieke Bigg and more.

Autumn 2024

Eye-popping excess in F1; egg-popping success against a new pest; poetry expressed in sign language; and hot-off-the-press titles from Adam Becker, Jillian Scudder, Zahaan Bharmal, Marieke Bigg and more.

Spring 2024

Ancient scrolls deciphered; cetaceous conversation considered; a Plutonian birthday celebrated; and back here on Earth our newest pod of titles from Simon Ings, Claudia de Rham, Hugo Greenhalgh, Athena Aktipis and more.

Autumn 2023

Beauty in the eye of the dose-taker; peace in the mind of the knife-sharpener; cosmological insight in the works of the pyramid-builders; and countless pleasurable hours of reading in the newest autumn titles from Alison Li, Roberto Trotta, Stephen Joseph and more.

Spring 2023

Advances in juggling; regressions in social media; how to juggle social interactions in the most ethnically diverse spot on the planet; and fresh spring books from Peter Coveney & Roger Highfield, Andy Ellis, Marcus Collins, Roland Ennos, Helena de Bres and more.

Autumn 2022

Do spiders dream? Do dogs have better hearing than humans? Is the field of psychology collapsing? Attempted answers, along with the newest books from Royal Society shortlisters Jeremy Farrar and Anjana Ahuja, bestselling Andy Saunders, Aynne Kokas, Alex Budak, Matthew Cobb and more.

Spring 2022

Antlions with agency; words with whales; the first travel log (not a typo!); and the newest books from Barbara Ryan, Elaine McGowan, Rachel Feltman, Fiona Fox, Skye Cleary, Moiya McTier and more.


Autumn 2021

Clocks vs. humanity; Big Tech vs. ethics; woodpeckers vs. brain damage; and the latest titles from Jeremy Farrar, Anjana Ahuja, Leah Zani, Azeem Azhar, Brian Butterworth and more.

Spring 2021

Pandemic-fighting radiators; AWOL walruses; mapping the whole gosh-darn cosmos; and a fresh batch of books from Caroline Williams, Jer Thorp, Ian Keable, John Rhodes and more.


Autumn 2020

Socially distanced lobsters; Venus is weird; flamingos aren’t pink; and the newest books from Naohiro Matsumura, Jeffrey and Tanya Bub, Eric Berger and more.


Spring 2020

Jumping worms; sparks of curiosity, literally speaking; the Beatles’ mischievous dentist; and the latest stay-at-home reads from Michael Marshall, Adam Kucharski, Gus Andrews, Matthew Cobb and more.

Autumn 2019

Alligator diets; the stress of keeping secrets; shade as essential urban design; and a cornucopia of new titles from Ian Stewart, Massimo Pigliucci, Skye Cleary, Daniel Kaufman, Ramesh Srinivasan and David Hand.

Spring 2019

A world that ignores women by design; a Japanese year in 72 microseasons; the Great Emu War; and the new line-up of spring and summer books from Angela Saini, Matt Stanley, Samer Nashef, Eleanor Gordon-Smith and more.

Autumn 2018

In defense of puns; cricket egg stories; a tour of the Delphic maxims; and autumn books from Mark Miodownik, Marcia Bartusiak, and Quanta Magazine, to name just a few.

Spring 2018

The truth about cultural appropriation; evolution’s disregard for brain regions; the wandering of the north pole; and new books by Sang-Hee Lee, Chris Thomas, Abby Norman, Lone Frank, Trevor Cox and Adam Becker.